
Expedited Trademark Registation

4.4136 customers
"Fast-track your brand's security with expedited trademark registration, ensuring swift protection and market dominance."

INR 15944 All Inclusive

Filing Expedited Application

Trademark Certificate

Documents Required

Completed Application Form
Proof of Use
Intent to Use
Priority Claim Documentation
Power of Attorney
Proof of Entity Existence
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In tandem with India's burgeoning economic and commercial landscape, the influx of trademark registration applications has surged year by year. Following the initial filing of an application, the subsequent step entails examination and potential objections by the registry. Traditionally, this examination process has been associated with significant timelines, often stretching over months or even years. However, in today's rapidly evolving and dynamic commercial environment, the need to secure trademark registration expeditiously has become paramount. As businesses strive to establish and protect their brand identities swiftly, the Indian trademark legal system has responded by introducing provisions for accelerated or expedited Trademark Application Examination.

Key Highlights of Expedited Trademark Registration:

  • Timely Protection:With the expedited examination process, businesses can ensure that their trademarks are registered promptly upon application, offering timely protection against infringement and misuse.
  • Enhanced Efficiency:By prioritizing the examination of trademark applications, the expedited registration system facilitates quicker resolutions, reducing the overall time taken for trademark registration.
  • Adaptation to Commercial Realities:In a rapidly evolving commercial landscape where agility and responsiveness are paramount, expedited trademark registration aligns with the needs of businesses operating in fast-paced industries.
  • Competitive Advantage:Securing trademark registration swiftly provides businesses with a competitive edge, allowing them to leverage their brand assets more effectively in the market.
  • CFacilitation of Growth:Expedited trademark registration streamlines the process of brand establishment, enabling businesses to focus on growth initiatives without prolonged delays in securing intellectual property rights.

Why Expedited Trademark Registration:

Expedited trademark registration is a crucial step in today's business landscape, as it ensures brand protection, enhances credibility in marketing campaigns, and prevents legal conflicts in industries prone to intellectual property disputes or online brand infringement. It also facilitates compliance with regulatory requirements, especially in sectors where trademark registration is a prerequisite for market access. In essence, expedited trademark registration aligns with strategic business goals, providing a foundation for brand growth, market expansion, and protection against emerging threats.


  • Individuals
  • Start-ups
  • Small Enterprises
  • Women Entrepreneurs
  • MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises)
  • Educational Institutions
  • Government Departments

Requirements for Expedited Trademark Registration:

  • ACompleted Application Form:Provide detailed information about the trademark, applicant, and associated goods/services.
  • NProof of Use or Intent to Use:Provide evidence of current or future use of the trademark.
  • Clear and Distinctive Trademark:Ensure the trademark meets legal requirements for distinctiveness and non-generalness.
  • Compliance with Formal Requirements:Ensure the application meets all formal requirements.
  • Additional Fees for Expedited Processing:Applicants must pay these fees to expedite the application process.
  • Priority Claim Documentation:Provide documentary evidence of the priority claim.
  • Consent of Prior Rights Holders:Obtain consent or coexistence agreements if the proposed trademark is identical or similar to existing rights.
  • Justification for Expedited Processing:Provide an explanation for the necessity of expedited processing.
  • Compliance with Expedited Processing Guidelines:Follow the guidelines and procedures outlined by the trademark office or authority.

Frequently Asked Questions

Expedited Trademark Registration is a service that allows trademark applicants to accelerate the processing of their trademark applications, reducing waiting times and expediting the registration process.

Expedited Trademark Registration expedites the examination process of trademark applications by prioritizing them over standard applications. This typically involves paying additional fees for expedited processing and meeting specific eligibility criteria set by the trademark office or authority.

Expedited Trademark Registration offers several benefits, including quicker registration times, faster protection of your trademark rights, and the ability to enforce your trademark against potential infringers sooner.

Eligibility criteria for Expedited Trademark Registration vary by jurisdiction but often include factors such as the need for urgent protection, impending product launches, or legal disputes requiring prompt resolution. Applicants may need to demonstrate a legitimate need for expedited processing and meet specific requirements set by the trademark office.

The processing time for Expedited Trademark Registration varies depending on the jurisdiction and workload of the trademark office. However, expedited applications are typically processed faster than standard applications, often resulting in reduced waiting times.

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